And So We Jump
Now, all we have is each other. And I mean that.
The time to practice our trust falls has long been over. Now it's time to jump and catch each other.
Volunteer at your local organizations, or larger ones, that you believe in whole heartedly. Set up monthly donations, no matter how small, to give non-profits a constant flow of support. Speak out, always, if you see something wrong SAY SOMETHING, CALL SOMEONE. Support your local artists of all mediums so that they can continue to reach others and perhaps remind us all that we're capable of something true and beautiful when we help one another. Artists, please keep sharing your art. Continue to read, share what you've learned. Support you local NPR and Public Radio Stations. If you pray, then fucking hell, pray and work to make those prayers a reality. Donate food, donate clothing, skill share, one a person to person level or through organizations you trust. Support local businesses, especially those own and operated by the communities that are hurting the most. Support and create safe spaces. Take care of yourself in the ways that you need to, be thoughtful, invite others to join you. Go to community meetings, go to your national forests and enjoy them for a weekend, go to beach cleanups. If someone reaches out their hand, if someone is a afraid, reach back and comfort them, if you need to, enlist help. Update your speed dial and memorize phone numbers. Sign a petition, start one if you don't see the one you need, call your local government, your slightly bigger government, don't let them forget that someones always ready to tell them to do their job to protect everyone who lives here.
Never miss a chance to listen, to be compassionate, and to fight with teeth bared for those who need it the most.
We've all seen people and problems swept under the rug, we've all turned our backs on something at least once in our lives, now is the time to break those habits. We should never try to hurt one another, we should never excuse hurt. Together we need to stop creating, perpetuating, and allowing hurt and start healing and standing in the way of injustice.
I will be at the Chicago Women's March tomorrow, join sister marches across the country, make some art for them, and stand with justice.